easter is theoretically a real estate holiday, so i picked up a shift at the cafe friday night. it's usually a lucrative shift, but alas... with all else going on this weekend (easter, the strawberry hill races, etc) it's been a blah weekend. however, if i hadn't worked friday night, i'd still be searching for my Customer of the Month for april...
i don't mind waiting on "young" people. when i was in high school, i went out to eat a lot, and my friends and i were usually treated well. i appreciated that, and i try to extend the same courtesy. around 7pm friday, a third of my section was blocked off for a reservation. they were late, so i was cranky, looking out at unused tables that should've been making me money... and when they finally arrived, i wasn't particularly happy to see six young loud folks sitting at the combined tables.
when i first approached them, one of the guys was pretending to erase the gorgeous chalkboard art hanging next to the table. that hit a nerve. (the gal who does them is ridiculously talented and well-loved by all of us, and even if she weren't, you don't walk into a place and immediately threaten to destroy the decor therein.) so the first thing out of my mouth at the table was "if you do that, you'll be thrown out of this building soooo fast..." not my best intro. deep breath... six waters. i'm annoyed but not rattled. they ignore me on my next two visits to the table, not showing any signs of ordering anything. on the fourth visit, my patience wearing thin, i ask, "does anyone have any questions i can help you with?"
one of the two girls at the table answered excitely. "ooh! i do!" i leaned in, because it was quite loud... and waited. meanwhile, she leaned in to the one other gal, sitting next to her, and whispered something or other. i waited patiently, watching as another six top was seated next to them, and noticing that a duece of my favorite regulars had snuck into my section when i wasn't looking. finally i got their attention again, and asked, "so, what was your question?" and my budding rocket scientist said: "oh, i already asked her." and then she turned to the guy on her other side and kept talking.
yes, honey-- my job isn't to bring you dinner (and another bowl of lemons so you can keep making lemonade), it's to moderate your conversation with your friends.
naturally, they waited til it was time to leave to ask for separate checks, but i knew that was coming and had them separated from the get go. the rocket scientist balled up a twenty and stuck it in the book, along with a pile of change. some servers hate coins, but i'm not one of them-- it saves me time getting change from the bartender, and cash is *always* better than plastic. in this case, i saw a pile of it, mostly nickels and pennies. i said aloud (back in the kitchen), "i'm just going to assume that's 83 cents there," and started to make bill change for the twenty. another server happened to be standing next to me, and for some reason, she stopped to count the change. "nope, that's sixty nine cents." er, huh? her bill is $8.83. we both counted twice more... sure enough, she'd given me $20.69 for her $8.83 check.
it's times like that when it's easy to be snarky-- actually, it's hard not to be-- but i'm pretty good at resisting the urge. i dropped off their change and walked away quickly so as not to overhear any comments her friends made when they saw the change, lest they make fun of her mistake, because i knew i wouldn't be able to keep from laughing with them. and that's just not nice. being nice generally pays off-- they left me just over 20%, none of which was in the form of coins.
saturday night, same crappy section, worse night. i switched coffee brands saturday morning, and the new stuff doesn't seem to have the same kick. maybe that's why i had such a bad night... or maybe it was the mysterious shooting pain in my foot that nearly caused me to fall over... or maybe it was that half my section was set aside for a ten top, half of whom showed up 45 minutes late, with two extra people. the on-time 5 ate two baskets of bread (while drinking water and going through two bowls of lemons and quite a bit of sugar and splenda-- more free lemonade) while they waited. they were so loud that when the 12th man finally ordered a beverage, a full hour after the reservation time, i was sure he'd said "milk," yet when i brought it, he claimed he'd said "beer." (nevermind the fact that "beer" is not a complete beverage order. whatever.) it was a fairly uneventful table, other than the theatrical flailing one gal did when her crabcake sandwich arrived. ("i am NOT paying ten dollars for something this small!" no, actually, it's $11, and it's 98% lump crabmeat-- and 98 times more delicious than the well done burger you ordered to replace it. but hey, that means free crabcake for me, so, sweet!)
the comic relief came at the end, when the woman who seemed to be in charge mentioned that this was a birthday dinner, and asked what kind of cakes we had. usually i'd bring out the dessert tray, but given the volume level, there was no way they'd hear my descriptions, so instead i brought the print menu and pointed out that the birthday gal was entitled to a free dessert. i gave her a few minutes to read it, and when i returned, she clarified that she was asking about birthday cakes. whole cakes. she was shocked to learn that we don't have a variety of whole cakes lying around getting stale on the off chance that someone might want one. (meanwhile i was envisioning generic "happy birthday and/or anniversary, customer!" messages written in frosting on these imaginary cakes...) but no, what she *really* wanted was an ice cream cake. and then comes the point where it's difficult to control my facial expression lest i reveal that i think folks are completely cuckoo... so i excused myself to get the phone book and supply them with the addresses of nearby baskin robbins stores. at which point i washed my hands of the table, until i finally checked the book, well after they left, to find my 12% tip. frankly, it was more than i expected, so that's the bright side. the not-so-bright side: on an average saturday night, that half of my section would've netted me three times that amount.
and tonight, it's easter. brunch is where the real money's at, but i don't do brunch. the cafe will be completely full when i arrive, probably on a wait. for the past week we've been fielding calls every half hour from irate and/or confused people, who can't understand why it's too late to get a noon reservation. "well, we'll settle for 12:30." um, no-- how's 4pm work for you? that's our first available slot. "you don't have anything around 1pm?" well, we've set aside a few tables for walk-ins. "ok, so how long will the wait be at noon?" um... about 4 hours? so for the first hour or so, most of my section will still be full with the day server's tables, so i'll have nothing to do except try to stay out of the way. any new tables will be cranky before they even sit down because they had to wait (and couldn't find anywhere nearby to park). we'll get overflow from the parade when it ends at four, which will add to the chaos. by about eight, we'll be mostly done for the night, and i'll work on my crossword puzzle til 10:30-- assuming the market hasn't sold out of newspapers before i get there. oh, and it's sunday night, so we'll run out of at least one random thing, and no one will notice until a really inconvenient time. lately it's been whipped cream and cloth napkins. my prediction for tonight: mushrooms and tilapia. realistically, it'll probably be something worse, given that we ran out of stir fry sauce last night-- noticed when the 12 top's order included shrimp stir fry, i.e. at the height of the dinner rush. as relatively slow as it's been this weekend, running out of menu ingredients before sunday night is a bad portent.
oh, and i haven't finished my taxes yet, so there's that to look forward to. woo! should be fun working on those late tonight, while i'm stifling yawns, since the new neighbors woke me up at 8:30 am... a full four hours before my usual sunday wakeup time. urgh. i suppose the right thing to do now is have an extra cup of coffee and leave for work early so i have time to check more than one store for my NYT. in any case, i need to get out of the apartment rather than sit here trying to figure out how anyone could possibly need to walk around so much at home all freakin day and night-- it's driving me batty. only couch potatoes should be allowed to live above me, dammit. at least when they were still doing construction up there, there was a beginning and end to the noise every day. someone's been walking around that apartment for the last five hours, and the same was happening from the time i got home last night til i went to bed-- i just don't get it. maybe they're agoraphobes, and also exercise freaks? so their only option for exercise is to walk in circles at home all day? or maybe it's some kind of advanced home security system, like a cross between one of those robot vacuums and a noise maker, so it sounds like someone's always home, to thwart burglars. yeah, that's gotta be it. |