Saturday, November 24, 2007


just overheard from the party next door spilling out into my hallway: "the redskins are my favorite player in the WORLD!" i am WAY too old to be living in an apartment building anymore. seven more months til the lease is up...

i should admit here publicly that i did spend money today, against my better judgment. i did not go to any stores (tho i needed to-- i'm out of shampoo AND coffee), but i did buy something online, only because i forgot to do it several days running & actually will need the things i ordered within the next week (and no way am i hitting the stores this weekend). so much for my "buy nothing day" principles. i'd thought about ranting tonight about my stance on black friday, but alas, i'm too exhausted from, er, working black friday. yes, rampant consumerism pays my rent, and yes, i am still anti-black friday, and yes, i can justify it-- just not tonight.

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