Tuesday, October 31, 2006


an unpublished sylvia plath poem has apparently been discovered by a gal here at VCU, & will be published in blackbird...

the ridiculously conservative RTD has inexplicably, albeit weakly, come out against the proposed (and even more ridiculous) marshall/newman amendment. speechless.

i'm hearing rumors that studio 60 is headed toward cancellation. i believe i'll pop in a sorkin-era west wing dvd and hope that the rumors are just that.

happy halloween to y'all who celebrate such. i'll be sleeping (peacefully, let's hope) through the official festivities. sweet dreams...

Sunday, October 29, 2006

pain, pain, go away

PSA: teeth are very useful parts of the body, and you should take very very good care of them.

found myself sidelined two weeks ago now with some serious unexplained pain in my jaw, after a dental cleaning. i'd scheduled a needed extraction, figured all was well til then. alas... turns out the tooth that needed to come out was in a hurry, got itself infected and swollen and OUCH to give me a hint. tylenol pm? no dice. maxed out on ibuprofen & topped it with vicodin and still no relief, no sleep, no functional brain. thankfully (sorta), the pain was such that i couldn't wait for my appointment, else i apparently would've ended up in the ER last weekend. hundreds of dollars later (and thru the worst pain i can recall lifelong), i can finally chew again. and, you know, sleep. and think straight. good times. moral of the story? if your tooth hurts, find out why and deal with it IMMEDIATELY. a novocaine needle pushing through infected tissue=excruciating.

trying to get back on track... working my ass off, daydreaming about next year's birthday trip. it's shaping up thusly: daytona beach bike week, then a wee tour around florida to catch some spring training games. if i'm somehow loaded with dough, after that i'll repair to the caribbean for some horseback riding; if not, i'll settle for a return trip to orlando to the gun range (and that hottie i didn't have time for in august) and some riding thereabouts instead. in the meantime, i'm itching to gamble, oddly... watching for vegas deals. or maybe i'll just work too much this winter to finance the bday so i won't have to wonder how much of it i can afford.

random news: scarlett johansen plans to record an album of tom waits covers. huh?

Saturday, October 07, 2006

still raining

what a miserable gray day. you know the weather's bad when friends in other states call to check on you because they saw on the national news that folks in your city were being evacuated from rising water, eh? or when you glance up at the muted tv and see your town on good morning america. just rain and wind in my neighborhood, and i have nowhere to be today, so no worries here. great day for a nap, but there's no time for that. too much to worry about: for instance, why the heat is not working in my apartment. and the 40% of my work to-do list for today that is yet to be done. and this ridiculous baseball game! seriously-- the tigers? i nearly forgot they even existed.

instead, i've been brainstorming about travel, and plotting how to convince clay to come spend a few days at my house in january in place of our beach trip, which i doubt either of us will be able to comfortably afford, at least not the way we did it last year. so instead of working or stalking my landlady, i've spent the last half hour averting my eyes from the television and taking goofy pictures of my well-stocked kitchen and pantry, to show clay that he really won't have to spend a dime on food if he comes to visit. perhaps next i'll finish cleaning the bathroom. is it still "procrastinating" if you actually get something accomplished, even if it that particular something is not the smartest priority?