Wednesday, March 14, 2007

random media

somehow, years ago, i missed the fact that dear gabo not only bought a litmag but also wrote an article on bill clinton for said mag. best line: "puritanism is insatiable and feeds on its own excrement." i was planning on rereading 'cities of the plain' this week, but i believe i just changed my mind.

speaking of cormac... had a weird multi-day, dream-induced, dark train of thought going last week, and one of my random musings was that it was a shame that surely no one would dare take on the task of making a movie of 'the road.' so depressed by this thought was i that i've watched the lame movie version of 'all the pretty horses' more than once of late. (ooh ooh, the coen's 'no country for last things' is in the can!) but whaddya know, someone has. apparently john hillcoat plans to direct-- i know nothing of him except that he directed the nick cave-penned 'the proposition,' which is sitting in the stacks waiting to be watched. just got pushed to the top of the list, natch.

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