Monday, January 08, 2007


well whaddya know, i actually made it to training on time this morning. amazing! now i just have to repeat that feat for several weeks. my DSPS is proving itself... despite tylenol PM and no nap, i am not the least bit tired right now. (thanks to bb, fellow sufferer, for the sleep link.) planning on experimenting with melatonin, but i'll wait for the weekend, since i haven't used it in years.

the training itself was as boring as one might imagine. we were basically taught how not to be rude to clients. huh. good news is, it seems AM traffic is mostly done by that time-- it only took 10 minutes door to door, which is good because i left 15 minutes later than planned (because of course i slept through my sonic boom alarm AND about 8 cell phone alarms). thanks to frank and clay for attempting to call-- don't know what my phone's problem was.

and now i must attempt to turn into a pumpkin. it just feels so wrong...

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