Sunday, August 07, 2005

random thoughts

random thoughts, because i can't focus on anything more than that given the bachelor party going on downstairs...

--i'm really finally getting the hell out of town! booked the ticket for real, for thursday, returning the following thursday. i'll have to sit in the airport for a while, b/c ee has a class at the exact time i arrive (and depart, for that matter), but i finally have the new mccarthy novel, which i'm saving for the trip, though now that i think about it, maybe i'll start it tonight...
--the biker boy i'm obsessed with is also going to be in florida next week, though i suspect he left town before getting my email telling him i'd be there & to look me up on his way back north... i know i'll never "get" him, but what the hell, it's fun to imagine.
--a gal i used to work with was in the cafe tonight... with the beautiful man i always thought was her boyfriend. he's so beautiful, in fact, that when i stopped by their table to say hi, i avoided his gaze nearly the whole time-- i didn't want to appear disrespectful, because she's good people, someone who's bf i wouldn't knowingly hit on, and the first time i saw him in there, about a year ago, i did nothing BUT stare at him, to the extent that i didn't even see her at the table til she said hello to me. after they left, S and i were talking about "types" of men, and i held this guy up as an example, bemoaning the fact that he was taken, and found out that S had specifically asked his status (she's blunt like that) and it turns out he's NOT at all. i find this hard to believe, but nonetheless, i'm regretful that i was so distant to him, because now i'm thinking, oooh, potential boy to play with! i've been thinking about finally getting together with ol' dr J, and now the plan is to get him to take me to dinner at the place where she mentioned she now works, so i can quiz her for info... crazy long shot, but what isn't?
--the bachelor party downstairs is finally breaking up, and now there are guys out front talking on their cell phones, trying to meet up with some girls at "the moon," by which i can only assume they mean the strip club not far from here... i'm listening, and trying really hard not to laugh out loud... it's 4am, which means any girls they'd be meeting at the strip club are girls who work there, and, um, they *sound* old enough to know that when a stripper gives you her phone number and tells you what time they get off, either you have a crapload of money, which i doubt these guys do, or they're fucking with you... we'll see how long they stand here waiting for these girls to call them back...
--still pissed at P, still being good and not calling or writing, except for a quick email to ask for his dad's new address, because his bday is coming up and i'd like to send him a card, and he recently moved. just because i broke up with P doesn't mean i broke up with his whole family, who'd i'd grown to like.
--hahaha, "dude, she's gonna want some money," one of them just said. "those strippers are so not coming over here, they just want all the money i made on thursday!" thank goodness there's at least one smart boy down there, elsewise i suspect they'd still be down there waiting for these girls to show up when i wake up tomorrow afternoon... ha.
--well, after i wrote the above, the paper guy came, so i hollered down to ask one of the drunk guys to throw up my paper... turns out the sane voice was one of my new downstairs neighbors. the drunk voice invited me down, and after a while, i went, after which lo and behold, "sabrina" showed up, and took drunk boy to breakfast... after he left, i ended up hanging out with the neighbor and talking music, and it turns out he has good taste, & i need to loan him some stuff. despite the noise, i still like living in the city, for the *potential* of neighborly things like that, which never seem to happen... cool.
--whoa, not so cool: drunk boy just got back from his stripper breakfast, and on the way in, he pissed all over the porch. not: he stopped and took a leak, but: ALL OVER the porch, in arcs and puddles and pools. i heard it, but thought surely he was in the bushes, and i wasn't in the mood to talk to him again, so i didn't lean over the balcony to show my face... now i wish i had. fucking disgusting drunk boys.

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