Saturday, June 04, 2005


random brain wave: why on earth (or whatever planet he lives on) does michael jackson go to the emergency room every time he gets an owee? this is a man whose personal life seems to revolve around his "individuality," right? a man who builds his own compound to hide in? why not sell a llama or two and use the money to furnish one of his rooms with some basic medical equipment? fire one of his decorators in exchange for a physician? i mean, really. we've all been to the emergency room, whether as a patient or a visitor. is that a place you would EVER go if you could afford not to? drama queen.

one more thing: if living near power lines turns out to cause cancer, does that mean we're going to have to give up this crazy modern idea of electricity at home? and, ya know, streetlights and stuff? time to invest heavily in candle companies. you heard it here first! (you can thank me later.)

Comments on "huh?"


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