Thursday, November 16, 2006

just checking in.

lots to post about, but lately i veer wildly between "too busy" and "too tired." they're connected-- sleep issues are worse than usual lately, which is to say, they've completely taken over my free will. for now, i shall yank (and truncate heavily) a q'airre from my friend P, who i hope continues to reap the benefits of her current and well-earned happiness!

1. Do you have any big plans for November?
only to work as much (and spend as little) as possible to pay for my december trip to florida, and prepare financially for my roommate's imminent departure. and also perhaps for those lucchese boots i have my eye on...

4. Quote something from last night:
from a sort-of dream: "you think breaking his heart is FUNNY?"

7. Is there a vase in the room you're in?
technically, yes-- it's full of southern comfort mardi gras beads that a former coworker brought me back from her trip to nola.

8. Any plans for today/this evening?
i'll be working, and hoping the storm that's moving in doesn't knock out my power, since getting the work done requires having internet access. (obviously i hope it doesn't rip off my roof, either.)

9. Have you recently been insulted?
well... about a month ago, a dear old friend asked me, after hearing about my jobs and not much else, if i missed my "wild days," assuming that just because i'm participating in what sounded to her like the grown-up world of commerce, that i no longer have any fun. i adore her, and i know she absolutely didn't mean to insult me, so i just said "sometimes," but it kinda stung. i *am* less wild than i used to be, but damn.

10. What is the radio in your car tuned to at this exact moment?
the CD player. i can't stomach the radio here-- i know there's a good "underground" station, but my antenna doesn't work so well.

12. How many days a week do you work?
sometimes all of them, sometimes very few. varies by the week.

15. Are you more like your mother or your father?
i generally think i'm more like my dad, though lately i think i take equally from them both.

20. Are any of your myspace pictures alcohol related?
as if. P answered this perfectly: "This question is part of the problem with myspace."

22. What was your most recent serious injury?
my f*?!*ing tooth. see previous posts.

23. What were you most recently happy about?
the plans i have for my december trip. oh, and the cornell exhibit at the smithsonian that opens tomorrow, which i shall go see in january.

26. What shirt have you not worn in a while that you would like to?
the white pseudo-tuxedo shirt i bought on my june/july trip and then lost on my august trip.

27. Where'd it go?
i think it's at the house in rhinebeck.

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